Redeeming Your Rewards

Español (Spanish)

Purchasing GanoCafé and Gano Daily products through AutoShip earns Reward Points that can be redeemed for free products! To track your points and to redeem them for free products of your choice, follow these simple steps.

  1. Log in to your Back Office using your Affiliate ID and password (visit If this is your first time logging in, see How to Log Into the Back Office.
  2. Once you have logged in to your Back Office, you will see a column of options listed on the left side of the screen. On this list is an option called “Me,” with an icon of a person inside a circle. Click on this icon.
  3. A new list will appear to the right. The fourth option on this list is called “My Rewards” with the same icon of a person inside a circle. Click on this option.
  4. Once you are on the My Rewards page, you will see two blocks appear: one for Reward Redemption and one for Redemption Log.

Tracking Your Points

  1. Look at the Redemption Log block. At the bottom of this block is a button that says “View Redeem Log.” You can click this button to see a detailed ledger of points that have been added or subtracted from your account as you earn and redeem your Reward Points.
  2. To see what specific items you redeemed, click the black “i” to the right of a specific transaction. This will make a pop-up appear with these details.

Redeeming Your Points

  1. Look at the Reward Redemption block. At the bottom of this block is a button that says “Start Redeeming.” Click this button.
  2. A catalog of products available to redeem will appear. Your available Reward Points appears at the bottom of this page. To scroll through the catalog, you will need to click and drag your mouse (or swipe on a touchscreen device) left or right. The points needed to redeem each item appear below the product image.
  3. Select a product you wish to redeem and click the “Redeem” button that appears directly below it.
  4. A dropdown menu will appear for you to select the quantity of that item that you want to redeem. When you’ve made your selection click the “OK” button below this dropdown menu. Remember that you must have the available Reward Points required to purchase the quantity you indicate. If you do not have enough Reward Points available to redeem the product or quantity of products you selected, you will receive an error message.
  5. Once you click “OK,” the Reward Points will immediately be deducted from your available balance shown at the bottom of the page. However, your order is not yet completed. You must proceed to checkout to receive your free products.
  6. At the top right corner of this page is an icon of a shopping cart that says “Redeem Cart.” Click on this icon.
  7. In your Shopping Cart, you will see a summary of all of the products you have selected to redeem using your Reward Points. Here you can adjust the quantity of an item you wish to receive or remove it from your cart.
    1. To adjust the quantity of an item, click the box to the right of the item name. Enter the new quantity desired, or you can use the up and down arrows to adjust the quantity up or down. Your cart will update in a few seconds to show the new Total Point Cost and remaining Point Balance. Note that you can only adjust the quantity down to one. To remove it, see the following step.
    2. To remove an item, click the trash can icon to the right of the item you want to remove. You cannot undo this action from here, but you can add the item back by returning to the catalog page.
    3. It is important to adjust any items at this time since you will not be able to make changes to your order on the next page. When you are ready, click “Proceed to Checkout.”
  8. You will now be taken to the Checkout page. On this page, you will see a summary of your redemption order at the top. You will not be able to make changes to your order here. If you need to make changes, click the back button on your browser. You will be taken back to the My Rewards home page. To return to your order, click “Start Redeeming.” Your Back Office will remember your order. From here, you can click on your shopping cart icon to adjust the quantity of an item or remove it from your cart. When you are ready, click “Proceed to Checkout.”
  9.  On the Checkout page, you will need to enter your shipping, billing, and payment info in order to place your order. Below your cart contents, on the left, you will see a button titled “Shipping” with three options. You can use the shipping address listed on your account (see Setting Up My Account), enter a new shipping address, or use a Will Call pick up address. *Please note that shipping charges are not available to redeem using Reward Points and must be paid separately.*
    1. Use My Account Shipping Address will send your order to the shipping address listed under My Account. By clicking on this option, this address will show up on the right side of the page. Underneath your shipping address is an area titled “Ship By” to select your shipping method. Click “Select Shipping Method” and choose from the dropdown menu of options. Prices for each method are shown for your convenience. Next, you will want to look back to the left side of the page to a button that says “Billing.” Click this button.
    2. Enter Another Shipping Address will allow you to send your order to any address with a valid U.S. postal code (ZIP code).
      1. Enter the postal code in the box that appears and click “Search.” Confirm the selection by clicking on the city, state, and zip code that appear underneath the search box. Additional form fields will appear.
      2. Enter the remainder of the information. You must enter the street address and city of the shipping address. The Apartment/Suite field is optional. When complete, click the “Validate” button that appears below this form.
      3. You will see a pop up with a USPS validated address alongside the one you entered. You can choose to use the USPS validated address or stick with the one you entered. A USPS validated address reduces the risk of your package is delayed or lost. Gano Excel is not responsible for delayed or lost deliveries due to using an incorrect address.
      4. Once you’ve confirmed your shipping address, it will appear on the right side of the page. Underneath your shipping address is an area titled “Ship By” to select your shipping method. Click “Select Shipping Method” and choose from the dropdown menu of options. Prices for each method are shown for your convenience. Next, you will want to look back to the left side of the page to a button that says “Billing.” Click this button.
    3. Use Will Call Pick Up Address will allow you to pick up your order from one of our Opportunity Centers at no charge. Selecting this option will make a Will Call Warehouse dropdown menu appear. Select the Will Call Warehouse where you would like to pick up your order. The Will Call Warehouse address will appear on the right side of the page. Underneath your shipping address is an area titled “Ship By.” Click “Select Shipping Method” and choose “Will Call.” Next, you will want to look back to the left side of the page to a button that says “Billing.” Click this button.
  10. Under the Billing button will appear two options. You can use the billing address listed on your account (see Setting Up My Account), or you can enter a new billing address.
    1. Use My Account Billing Address will make the billing address from your account appear on the right side of the page. Confirm this is correct. If you need to re-enter your billing address, you can instead choose “Enter Another Billing Address.”
    2. Enter Another Billing Address will make an address form appear. You must complete the Address, City, State, Postal Code, and Country to submit this form. The Apartment/Suite field is optional. Once complete, click the “Confirm” button that appears below this form. Your new billing address will appear on the right side of the page.
    3. Next, you will want to look back to the left side of the page to a button that says “Payment.” Click this button.
  11. Under the Payment button will appear a credit card form. You can enter a major credit card or use a debit card for your payment. Please note that even if your shipping charges are $0, you must complete this step for your redemption order to be processed. When complete, review your entire order. When ready, at the bottom of the page on the right side there is a button that reads “Finalize Order.” Click this button.
  12. Congratulations, you’ve redeemed your Reward Points with Gano Excel! Your free product will be on its way soon!
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